
Sebagian dari suku yang mendiami wilayah Indonesia ada yang memiliki kebiasaan menghias gigi, maksudnya beberapa gigi asli mereka lapisi dengan emas. Kebiasaan tersebut mungkin ditujukan untuk menunjukkan status sebagai orang kaya dalam kelompoknya (sukunya) :lol:   Namun saya tidak tahu, ketika si pemilik gigi emas telah menghadap Sang Khalik apakah ahli warisnya mencongkel gigi emas tersebut dan dijadikan sebagai harta warisan?

Dalam sebuah artikel yang dimuat situs ouramazingplanet, di negeri barat tempatnya para bule berada, ada pengoleksi gigi yang akan menjual gigi koleksinya. Terdengar aneh? Mungkin iya tetapi mungkin juga tidak. Akan lebih baik jika anda meneruskan tulisan kali ini untuk mengetahui hal yang sebenarnya.

Tidur memiliki manfaat yang sangat besar untuk tumbuh kembang seorang bayi. Makin sering bayi tidur, cenderung mengalami pertumbuhan lebih cepat terutama dari segi tinggi badannya.
Bagi orang dewasa, tidur diidentikkan dengan waktu istirahat. Namun, bagi bayi dan anak-anak, tidur adalah saat untuk mengoptimalkan laju tumbuh kembang badan. Karena itu, saat tidur, pertumbuhan fisik anak terpacu. Sebuah penelitian terbaru yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal sleep mengungkapkan, lama tidur anak berkait erat dengan pertambahan berat badan, tinggi badan, dan kesehatan fisik bayi.

Oleh Famega Syavira

Sesuai dengan namanya, Pulau Kelor memang hanya selebar daun kelor. Luasnya tak lebih dari dua hektar. Daratan kecil tak berpenghuni ini hanya terdiri dari selarik pantai mini dan bangunan Benteng Martello.

Benteng Martello adalah benteng bulat dari bata yang dibuat dengan meniru benteng Mortella di Corsica (sebuah pulau di Laut Tengah). Dulu, Pulau Kelor adalah garda terdepan untuk mempertahankan Batavia dari serangan angkatan laut musuh yang menyerang dari samudera. Penjaga pulau akan memantau wilayah laut di depannya dan mengabarkan pada Batavia jika kapal musuh menampakkan diri di cakrawala., London: Indonesia, Amerika Serikat, Kanada, India dan Autralia adalah surga bagi para pebisnis pemula maupun yang sudah profesional. Sedangkan Kolombia, Mesir, Turki, Italia dan Rusia dinilai sebagai negara paling ramah terhadap inovasi dan kewirausahaan. Demikian hasil survei BBC World Service dan The GlobeScan terhadap 24 negara, yang dirilis, Kamis (26/5).

Corel logo.svg
Key people
increase250.5 million USD (2007)
1,110 (2008)[1]

Corel Corporation from the abbreviation ("Cowpland Research Laboratory") is a computer software company headquartered in Ontario, Canada that specializes in graphics processing, similar to Adobe Systems. It is known for producing software titles such as CorelDRAW, Paint Shop Pro and later acquired major competitors such as Ulead Systems.

Corel was founded by Michael Cowpland in 1985, as a research laboratory . The company had great success early in the high-tech boom of the nineties with the product CorelDraw (being one of the Three Killer Apps of OS/2), and became, for a time, the biggest software company in Canada. In 1996 it acquired Novell WordPerfect and starting competing with the thought of "Pepsi to Microsoft's Coke" analogical business management, as Microsoft Word was the top-used word processing software at the time. Corel's job was made significantly more difficult due to Microsoft's strategy to push pre-loaded copies of Word onto new computers.
In August 2000 Cowpland was accused of insider trading and left. A new board of directors was then appointed and Derek Burney Jr., announced that the product line would be split into five brands. A few months later, it was to be three brands (DeepWhite, ProCreate and Corel). Finally it was decided that the company would go back to using "Corel" as the company's only brand and much of the later years consists of a series of acquisition and company restructuring.

Adobe Flash (formerly SmartSketch FutureSplash, FutureSplash Animator and Macromedia Flash) is a multimedia platform used to add animation, video, and interactivity to web pages. Flash is frequently used for advertisements and games. More recently, it has been positioned as a tool for "Rich Internet Applications" ("RIAs").
Flash manipulates vector and raster graphics to provide animation of text, drawings, and still images. It supports bidirectional streaming of audio and video, and it can capture user input via mouse, keyboard, microphone, and camera. Flash contains an object-oriented language called ActionScript.
Flash content may be displayed on various computer systems and devices, using Adobe Flash Player, which is available free of charge for common web browsers, some mobile phones and a few other electronic devices (using Flash Lite).
Some users feel that Flash enriches their web experience, while others find the extensive use of Flash animation, particularly in advertising, intrusive and annoying, giving rise to a cottage industry that specializes in blocking Flash content. Flash has also been criticized for adversely affecting the usability of web pages

 Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Icon

                                         Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 under Windows 7
Developer(s) Adobe Systems (formerly by Macromedia)
Stable release CS5 (11.0.3 Build 4964) / August 31, 2010; 8 months ago
Written in C++
Operating system Microsoft Windows
Mac OS X
Type IDE
License Proprietary
Website Adobe Dreamweaver Homepage
Adobe Dreamweaver (formerly Macromedia Dreamweaver) is a web development application originally created by Macromedia, and is now developed by Adobe Systems, which acquired Macromedia in 2005.
Dreamweaver is available for both Mac and Windows operating systems. Recent versions have incorporated support for web technologies such as CSS, JavaScript, and various server-side scripting languages and frameworks including ASP, ColdFusion, and PHP.